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李·贝尔福,电气部 & 计算机中, Self-Driving Electric Vehicle Robotic Tech Kernel; Great Lakes Systems and 技术, $25,000.00.

约瑟夫BROBST, 教育合作中心, Technician Training In CRISPR-Based Gene Editing; Delaware Technical and Community College, $20,000.00.

格雷戈里•迪沃, 各种ODU单元, Selective Enforcement - Speed; VA Department of Motor Vehicles, $9,400.00.

哈尼·艾尔赛义德·阿里,电气公司 & 计算机中, Study of The Mechanism of Electric Current Generation in Evercell; Face Construction Technologies, $21,533.00.

MIA JOE, VMASC, Brooks Crossing - Supplemental 资金; bet8体育娱乐入口, $12,976.00.

MARTIN KASZUBOWSKI,创新RESEARCH所 & Entrepreneurship, Virginia Regional Competitiveness Project Year 5; Virginia Polytech Institute & 州立大学,16000美元.00.

安德鲁·基塞尔,哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH, KRZYSZTOF RECHOWICZ, 约翰SHULL, Philosophical Thought Experiments in Virtual Reality; National Endowment for The Humanities, $85,161.00.

彼得亚雷KRAJ, 生物科学, Bone Morphogenic Protein Signaling in Th/Treg Lineage Specification; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes of 健康-NIH), $77,500.00.

机械部的德鲁·兰德曼 & Aerospace Eng; Training in Statistical Engineering Practices; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $26,000.00.

迈克尔·纳尔逊, 计算机科学, 米歇尔·韦格尔, Improving the Dark and Stormy 档案 Framework by Summarizing the Collections of The National Library of Australia; 国际 Internet Preservation Consortium, $50,000.00.

MATTHEW NEREM, Physics, Observational Astronomy; Society of Physics Students, $1,975.00.

约翰尼姑庵, RESEARCH处, 阿尼尔•奈尔, Virginia Workforce Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center; Hampton University, $659,221.00.

约翰·纳纳利,创新RESEARCH所 & Entrepreneurship, NCI eTrade Planning; Leighty & Associates 25000美元.00.

罗伯特(迈克)罗宾逊, VMASC, 安东尼BARRACO, 巴里这时警报声响起, Mission Critical Updates for The Real-Time Evacuation Planning Model (RTEPM); VA Department of 紧急 Management, $175,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真, AI Model Certification in Operational Environments; MITRE Corporation, $30,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, 计算建模与仿真, 何塞·帕迪拉, Center of Excellence in Cyber Security; Norfolk State University, $100,000.00.

凯瑟琳•史密斯, VMASC, STTR: Competency Evaluation System (CES) Texting Educational Data-Rapid Knowledge Transfer and Assessment (TED-RKTA); Ted Text LLC, $58,650.00.

凯瑟琳•史密斯, VMASC, DARRYL AMASON, 杰西卡·约翰逊, Operationally Directed Instructional Network-Engineering Library; Valkyrie Enterprises, 公司., $158,990.40.

乔迪,教学 & 学习, 布兰登·巴特勒, 杰米COLWELL, Clinical Coaching or Meaningful Measures 2020-2021; VA Department of Education, $72,802.00.

迈克尔斯泰西, 生物电学中心, Co-文化 with Stromal Cells Modulates Sarcoma Cell Survival; Breeden-Adams Foundation, $25,000.00.

纳维德·塔维尔达里,平民 & 环境中, 加里SCHAFRAN, 后湾水质及水动力数据收集, Virginia Beach; Dewberry , $57,635.00.

詹妮弗·惠特劳,政治学 & 地理位置, Terrestrial LiDAR Mapping and Analysis of Buildings and Infrastructures Within The New Jersey 500-Year Flood Plain; State University Of New Jersey (All Campuses), $42,135.00.

谢坤,民事 & 环境中, 香港杨, Automated System for Largescale Intersection Marking Data Collection and Condition Assessment Cash Match; VA Department of 运输, $50,000.00.

克里斯托弗ZAJCHOWSKI, 人体运动科学, 林赛开创, YILUN周, RESEARCH to Inform 访问or Use Management at Wolf Trap National Park for The Performing 艺术; National Park 服务, $80,000.00.



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